The winners were: First Place: Maggie of “Little House in the City” won a copy of SmartDraw, a Pro Blogger membership with the Facebook App Creator, an WeekDate personal planner, and a copy of Leo Babauta’s ebook Zen to Done. Her post, On Relationships, is a meditation on the fear of being alone — as illustrated in the premise of zombie films like I am Legend that ask, “What if there were no more people?” Second Place: Second place winners get a Pro Blogger membership for the Facebook App Creator, a WeekDate planner, and Leo Babauta’s ebook Zen to Done. Our second place winners were:
Taj Moore of The Acupuncture Channel won with his post on the relationship between Chinese medicine and organizational theory. Troy from TimeMakeover won with a collection of activities you can do with the person you live. Sérgio of textorama won with his note on the relationship between a man named Valentine and the blind daughter of his jailer — the man whose sainthood Valentine’s Day honors.
Third Place: The following winners all received a copy of Leo Babauta’s ebook Zen to Done:
Eric Deckers of Laughing Stalk wrote a humorous look at marriage. Mimzy of Illogical paradox wrote a poem entitled “For You”. Geo Kamus of Confusion Reborn wrote about the blessings of a mother’s love. Jenny of Bunny’s TMI write on the importance of love and respect in all our relationships. Peter of Say Yes wrote on the importance of feeling secure to “lavish affections” on your beloved.
Congratulations to all our winners! And special thanks to everyone else who entered — I hope you had as much fun writing your posts as we did reading them. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out all the comments on the giveaway post. There are some really great posts there!