Don’t settle for feeling down! It doesn’t have to be that way. There are lots of quick, easy, free, and simple ways to pick yourself up. Here are 7 ideas to boost your happiness. Try one, or better yet, try all 7!

1. Remember a win.

We often are so busy beating ourselves up that we forget to remember what we’ve done well. Think back to your most recent success — it could be as small as completing a work or school assignment on time, or as big as winning a major award. You. Are. AWESOME! Feel that sense of accomplishment come rushing back instantly.

2. Be grateful.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful feelings that exists. It makes us feel lucky and wealthy. What do you appreciate — a family member or friend, the ability to be healthy, your fabulous guitar skills? How much better is your life as a result? Be grateful for the people you love, the roof over your head, or even for the fabulous ideas you find on Lifehack! Then sit back and bask in the warm fuzzies.

3. Clear the clutter.

Clutter is a mood killer. For an instant pick-you-up…pick up! It’s not as painful or time consuming as it sounds. Start by looking around you. Find five things that are out of place at your home or office. Put them back in their right place – or if you no longer use them, get rid of them! Restoring to a sense of order will immediately make you feel more calm and in control.

4. Give yourself a mental boost.

Make yourself better than you were just five minutes ago. Learn something new! (It’s up to you whether it’s something useful or not.) Search “how to make a DIY bookcase” or “astrophysics 101” or “migrating birds”. Knowledge engages your brain and makes you focus on something beyond yourself. So go ahead…add a little more savvy to your already brilliant self.

5. Spike your energy.

Let’s get physical! In as little as two minutes, you can affect your body chemistry, which can makes you more optimistic. For those of you non-exercisers, physical does not have to equal z-sprints across your living room. (In fact, if you live in an apartment it’s better if you don’t. Just don’t.) DO, however, bust out your best moves, get your downward dog on, or pretend you’re jumping rope (extra points for double dutch). Promise you’ll be perking up faster than you can say “hula hoop”.

6. Get inspired.

Tap into your inner artist to draw a picture, play an instrument or do a little dance. Art not your thing? Read a book, or listen to a podcast by someone who inspires you. Try searching online for “most beautiful buildings” or “most inspiring people” — you can’t help feeling uplifted by great stories of people who’ve done remarkable things. And guess what? You could be next!

7. Set a goal.

Goals don’t seem that exciting at first glance. But they’re actually one of the most extraordinary motivators in the world. Why? Dreaming up something you’d like to achieve focuses you on your future self –a you that’s even better than the one today. As yourself what you’d like to accomplish in your work, family, community, or your personal life. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to kayak, write a book, or deadlift 150 lbs. You can do any of these things! Don’t be afraid to set big goals. But even small ones can help get you started — something as simple as run 10 minutes a day for the next 3 days is super empowering as long as you write it down, then take steps towards it immediately! Because at the end of the day, what boosts your happiness more than knowing the best is yet to come?! Featured photo credit: Camdiluv via