Your 30s are a special time: There are complications but there are achievements. There are challenges but there are winning moments. There are clichés but there is newfound organization and clarity. One thing is for sure. If you have the right attitude, your 30s will be wonderful. It’s the phase of life where your personal growth will see its peak. The mistakes you made and the experience you gained in your 20s will only polish you. Here are 10 signs of happiness and why you should celebrate and welcome your wonderful 30s with sparkling smile on your face.

1. You don’t care as much what other people think about you

In your 20s you rebelled against everything—even things you secretly liked.The message was: stop trying to guide me. You told your folks that you weren’t a teenager anymore. You started making your own decisions about what you want from life in life. There were a lot of things you wanted to say “no” to. If that describes you in your 20s, it’s a good sign that you’ll stop seeking approval from other people so much in your 30s. In fact, you’ll find that you have to stop. If you do, you’ll be an independent and confident person in your 30s. Maybe you’ve made your share of mistakes but you’ve learned your lessons.

2. You finally figured out what your dream job is

If you’re not happy in your late 20s with your job or the way things are turning out in your career, it’s pretty normal. Maybe you weren’t clear back in college about the academic path that would resonate with you, or you discovered your passion late. Or maybe you landed a job just because you managed to impress the interviewer. You wanted enough cash to pay the bills, go out, and enjoy your twenties. Eventually—finally—you figured out what/where you actually want to be professionally. You’ll now strive hard to make that dream come true in your 30s. You’ll learn to plan your career moves and settle for nothing less than your ideal job.

3. You actually care about 401(k)s and savings plans

In your late 20s, you start to repent some of that impulse shopping you did, or the money you exhausted on booze and weekend getaways. Your dream assets are used to be a fancy bike, limited edition designer jackets, high heel stilettos, or a Louis Vuitton collection. Now you want to buy a beautiful house or your dream car. But are running out of finances. That’s why you’ll plan your 30s fantastically. You’ll be financially more stable by saving a huge chunk of your income to support your dream asset. Maybe you’ll even learn how to manage a 401(k) or buy a retirement plan.

4. You stop kidding around

You’ve started avoiding clubbing, partying and binge drinking on weekdays. You’re not in the mood to upset your boss with hungover mistakes or with drowsy eyes the next morning. You are settling into a life track. You now make sure to do certain things (read: partying) only on weekends. Or even better, you decide to spend your weekends doing more interesting things. Once you hit your 30s you’re going to rock in your professional life.

5. You figure out health is the way to wealth

Even in your 20s, with all the fun and bingeing, you might start getting concerned about your waistline. But hitting the gym or jogging every day still looks like something for losers. Sooner or later though, you’ll start thinking about making your workouts fun. You’ll want to be more fit only because you love your body. Weekend hiking, swimming, sports like baseball, rugby, or roller derby—they all start to sound amazing. You’ll be much more creative about how you exercise in your 30s!

6. You’ll be wise and responsible

Falling short with finances for your dream asset, major considerations on relationships or extending your family, not fitting into your sexy outfits—all these things may have started worrying you but are actually good for your 30s! You will slowly but steadily stop draining your pockets. You will do your laundry regularly rather than buying new underwear every month. You will learn to cook yourself healthy meals to avoid extra calories and save some money. You’ll be wiser and responsible winning hearts of your loved ones.

7. You’ll see that hobbies and a career can go hand in hand

Your job, your bills, and your responsibilities have started taking a toll on you. So you’ll look back at that list of passions which everybody suggested to drop since they didn’t earn you money. You’ll pursue your hobbies, educate yourself about the technicalities, take classes if necessary. Whether it’s a simple hobby like painting, gardening, or learning to cook a new cuisine, or something thrilling like paragliding, mountaineering, or learning a new dance form, you’ll be smart enough to manage your career and at the same time not to leave behind your passion.

8. You’ll see that life is what you make it

Are you like, “Holy crap, I’m gonna turn 30 soon and I’m freaking out because I still haven’t left behind the younger, sillier me”? Don’t you worry about it! Your 30s will teach you to embrace life. After all, you’re in the realization phase of life. You’ll accept life for what it is (and what it isn’t). It’s only you who can make it interesting and productive. Your life will be what you make it.

9. You’ll reap the rewards of true friendship

You are a friendly person and love to be surrounded by good people. You’re investing in new friendships and hanging out with new people. You’re really there for them through thick and thin. Good job! Friendship is not only about emotional satisfaction. It also brings a lot of advantages. You’re not only having exposure to different personalities in the world but also are building a huge network which is essential today. You’ll be a better “people person” in your 30s with a lot of positive connections.

10. You’ll travel the world for insights

You’re traveling east and west, north and south. You’re exploring the world by visiting different countries, looking at nature, experiencing cultures and getting to know people. Great! You’re only adding to your personal library of knowledge and insights. You’ll be able to understand life and its values. You’ll get a clear picture of your life in your wonderful 30s. A better person, a better parent, a better employee/employer. And more importantly,  you’ll be a better soul. Conclusion: You might feel like you are going to have terrible years ahead because you’re on the verge of turning 30! But the good news is you’ll actually feel otherwise. You will tantalize yourself, you’ll know yourself a little more, you’ll learn to appreciate yourself and also you’ll learn to teach yourself lessons at times. If this is not enough to keep your spirits high while you’re stepping into a new decade, then just keep adding to your already-rich experiences. Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via